Friday, March 11, 2016

Smart Buildings are simply generating Smart Cities

In order for a city to provide access to its intelligence behind the knowledge and become a Smart City, the development of the Intelligence System that connects the central nervous system to a brain is required-- enter smart buildings.

The focus on Big Data and your city's behavior towards its data's management is a critical element towards being a truly Smart City. The building blocks to effectively and efficiently use city data will ultimately reside in a city's ability to repurpose its existing documents and data associated with the Built Environment, which is the authenticated digital DNA of all cities. Without proper digital DNA structure and management, the connectivity from your city's nervous system to the brain will be problematic, inhibiting performance and the evolution of your city to a Smart City.

Each city has its own cardiovascular system (traffic, mass transit), skeletal system (infrastructure), digestive and respiratory systems (energy, waste) and even a primitive nervous system (telecommunications). In order for a city to provide access to its intelligence behind the knowledge and become a Smart City, the development of the Intelligence System that connects the central nervous system to a brain is required-- enter smart buildings.

The issue is not if the city has the proper data to become a Smart City, the issue is how. The job of today's cities IT department is not to just secure people from getting into a city's system, but how to manage the glut and control of data that will be trying to get out. The cities that solve this issue will be on the correct path to being a Smart City.

The focus on Big Data and your city's behavior towards its data's management is a critical element towards being a truly Smart City. A smarter, efficient city that would encompass aspects of intelligent transportation, security, energy management, CO2 emissions, and sustainability is contingent on the implementation of a Big Data strategic plan to enable decision makers and authorities to perform their jobs. In response, some cities have taken an Open Data approach to assist in making its data available to the general public, which has spawned an emerging market for the development and sale of "Apps" to enable this Open Data to come alive and provide value to a user.

A Smart City and the Smart Buildings therein are not a marketing campaign, slick sales technique nor an amusing political catch phrase. It is a series of solutions to an urgent and serious situation the world faces today. Smart Cities are emerging as a civic action due to a "perfect storm" of the convergence of market conditions, technology innovation, social wants, government needs and the migration to urban environments that has accelerated on a global scale which dwarfs any previous mass movement of people in history.
One striking example is found in a report by McKinsey & Co. in 2009 that stated 350 million people in China would move to cities throughout China by 2025. Existing Chinese cities, already overpopulated and struggling to maintain public services, are bracing for this onslaught of humanity by preparing, planning and implementing large scale urban projects, designed to transform from industrial urban environments to Smart Cities with smart buildings.

At the core, Smart City solutions, both small and large, have an opportunity to assist in creating an environment for people to prosper in a welcoming, inclusive and open manner. A Smart City's success will only be measured by how well its inhabitant's quality of life improves.

A path to enabling your city's digital DNA comes from the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the data captured by Smart Buildings. BIM and Smart Buildings provide the digital DNA that when put into the context of a district, neighborhood and city , provides a city relevant, authenticated data.

"Smart Cities" is a term for a series of solutions to the problems that come along with the mass movement of people to urban environments i.e.: the lack of resources, infrastructure, public safety, transportation and so on. At the core of smart cities are Smart Buildings that does not only increase tenant safety and satisfaction, energy and operational efficiency, but also act as a smart city server, providing digital DNA of a neighborhood, district, city and other relevant and authenticated data.

BIM and Smart Buildings provide the digital DNA that when put into the context of a city, neighborhood and district , provides a city relevant, authenticated data.

The building blocks to effectively and efficiently use city data will ultimately reside in a city's ability to purpose its existing documents and data associated with the Built Environment, which is the authenticated digital DNA of all cities. Without proper digital DNA structure and management, the connectivity from your city's nervous system to the brain will be problematic, inhibiting performance and the evolution of your city to a Smart City.

When this individual building data is connected to the City Network, potentially through an Open Data policy, interesting things begin to happen. The captured AEC data that a city already possesses becomes the digital DNA of Smart Cities.

Smart City definition frameworks are being designed and marketed by academics, companies, urban associations and the media, as well as the use of technologies like smart buildings. Through this cacophony of frameworks, a foundation has emerged that help define areas of Smart City interest, action and measures. These same frameworks provide the definition of 10 Smart City elements:

  • Infrastructure.
  • Transportation.
  • Green Buildings.
  • Energy.
  • Waste.
  • Education.
  • Healthcare.
  • Public Safety.
  • Water.
  • Citizen Services.

The interesting thing about Smart City initiatives is the closely integrated way that seemingly disparate elements work together. As cities begin their transformative process into Smart Cities, it helps to consider the manner in which cities will need to address the social, economic, engineering and environmental challenges. And this manner will center on Knowledge.

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